Myofascial Decompression
Myofascial Decompression (MFD) also known as "cupping" is an approach to manual therapy and exercise that combines negative pressure technology with evidence -based movement science principles in orthopedics and sports medicine. Focus is to incorporate cupping therapy to achieve efficiency of motion with fascial mobility and neuromuscular re-education.
How does it work?
We perform cupping therapy by placing specialized cups on your skin for several minutes to create suction. You can think of it as the opposite of a massage pulling your tissue up rather than massing your tissue down.
Your physical therapist will apply suction in the cups through the use of a small handheld vacuum device. This causes the skin and underlying tissue within the cups to lift, allowing for greater circulation and relief of pain. In most cases, these cups are left in place for a few minutes and then gently removed.
Benefits of cupping include reduced pain and inflammation, a greater sense of well-being, decreased pain and irritation caused by skin, joint, and muscle issues, improved digestion, and lowered blood pressure.
Side effects are generally mild and may include bruising where the cups were placed and minor discomfort. Bruising and marks left from the therapy typically last a few days, but may take more than a week to fade.
Who is it for?
This technique can be used for a wide variety of acute and chronic pain issues included but not limited to:
Low back pain
Neck pain
Thoracic Pain
Shoulder and Scapular Dysfunction
Myofascial soft tissue injuries
Contact us today to see if this technique is appropriate for helping you in relieving your pain!